(Colorado) Webster, B.N. Written on Geo. L. Goulding & Co. LIVE STOCK - COMMISSION MERCHANTS - THE CITY STOCK YARDS COMMISSION CO. letterhead.

(Letter as written.)

Denver, Colo. Oct. 5th, 1889

C.F. Lincoln. Esq.

Dear Charlie

I have had a time of it trying to find your friend whose name you gave wrong, but I found him all the same or rather who he is and where he lives. his name is Geo. V. Schleier he is boarding at the Albany Hotel corner of 17th & Stout Sts. he has no office, owns a good deal of real estate, and talks it all the time. He returned from Europe (?) about 2 weeks ago. he is a very wealthy man. You can now open a correspondence with him. it will not be necessary for me to Call on him.

Well, my Wife reached here last Friday evening pretty badly Shaken up.her flesh being very Soft somewhat like Calfs foot Jelly. it yielded very readily to the motion of the Cars. She is getting rested but still sleeps badly and Bess has 2 Children. the Youngest a live Boy, who rises very early and then the band begins to play while the monkey rides around the ring. I think the old Lady is a little homesick, but I hope she will soon get over it. Denver is a fast growing and beautiful City. they Claim 135 thousand inhabitants and one of the largest Contractors and builders says six thousand houses have been built this year and is still being built up rapidly. I dont think a man Could make a mistake in buying lots here no matter where he selects one. it is like all growing Cities, property is bound to increase in value.

Charlie I hope you and your good Wife will write to us often, keep us posted in all that is going on in Lexington. My Wife thanks you very much for the fluids you furnished her. Ben says the Whiskey was the finest he ever drank. he asks to be kindly remembered to both of you and Wife joins me in love to both of you hoping to hear from you very soon. Ia am Yours sincerely

B.N. Webster

direct your letters to 3225 Marion Street.

An interesting letter concerning Denver's growth written on the very attractive letterhead for THE CITY STOCK YARDS COMMISSION CO. Very legible, and in vg cond.

$ 95.00
# 2869