Fountain City, Texas - Did It Ever Exist?

Fountain City, Texas - Did It Ever Exist?

MONTGOMERY LAND CO. THE FAMOUS COAST COUNTRY - TEXAS OUR SPECIALTY. we have Wild and Improved Land throughout Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Colorado for sale or exchange for other property. Wells - Minnesota. Nd. c. 1908. 15 (1) pgs., photos, plat map map on inside front wrap. The brochure is promoting Fountain City, Texas and concerns the price and terms of land sales; some facts about Texas; net earning per acre, general information and topography of the country; climate; cost of improvements;making money in Texas; Now is Your Opportunity - Your Last Chance.The proposed land being offered for Fountain City, of which there is no such town today, was just north of Houston. The small plat map shows the numerous 10 acre lots available,near to the I.&G.N. Railroad Line, with the photos showing the productivity of the land including tobacco, tomato and cabbagefields and "Iowa Corn" grown in the county. Texas has special benefits, then as now, when it came to taxes, as stated on the inside of the wrapper: "The taxes on a ten acre truck farm in Montgomery County and a town lot in Fountain City, Texas will cost you 75 cents. Texas has the cheapest tax of any state in the union." The real incentives though, was that for every ten acre truck farm parcel purchased ($300), the purchaser would receive a lot in the town in Fountain City for free. Other claims ere less believable: "Where there are no aristocrats and people do not have to work hard to have plenty and go in the best society....Where sun-strokes and heat prostrations are unknown." Not found in OCLC. Wrappers lightly worn at staples, overall in vg cond. 

$ 1,350.00
# 2264