Kansas Pacific Railway - Opening Excursion - St. Louis to Denver - 1870

Kansas Pacific Railway - Opening Excursion - St. Louis to Denver - 1870

OPENING EXCURSION. KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY. ST. LOUIS TO DENVER. August 30-September 10, 1870. Rocky Mountain News Print, Denver. 4 pages, listing of excursionists and a listing of the Officers of the Kansas Pacific Railway, the Directors and the Executive Committee.

A remarkable historical memorial of the completion and opening of the first railroad direct to Denver. It is interesting to note that among the ninety-three passengers was General George A. Custer. Other people of importance on this trip include the Postmaster General, Railway executives, state and city officials, European guests, journalists, a number of newspaper representatives, and even the Secretary to President Grant. OCLC locates a single holding at Yale. McMurtrie/Allen 123. Vg cond.




$ 2,400.00
# 2275