Kickapoo Indian Guide to Health and Longevity - c, 1900

Kickapoo Indian Guide to Health and Longevity - c, 1900

KICKAPOO INDIAN GUIDE TO HEALTH AND LONGEVITY. Vol. II – No. 500. c. 1900. Printed by J.J. Kiernan, New Haven, Conn. 4 page advertising paper expounding on all of the disease which the use of Kickapoo medicines will cure. Illustrations and advertising for Kickapoo Indian Sagwa; Kickapoo Indian Salve; Kickapoo Indian Oil and Kickapoo Indian Worm-Killer. “THE KICKAPOO INDIANS. These Indians are now traveling with their MEDICINE MEN, SQUAWS AND PAPPOOSES in the various Cities and Villages throughout the United States, in the Winter time Encamping in Public Halls, and in the Summer time in Tents or Wigwams. TO ILLUSTRATE INDIAN LIFE AND HABITS,THEY GIVE FREE EXHIBITIONS OF THE SCALP, BUFFALO, WAR AND OTHER DANCES, and many other wonderful and curious features of the Aboriginal Tribes of the Far West; also, actual Exhibitions of Medicine making – showing how the Kickapoo remedies are made and prepared from Roots, Herbs, Barks, etc. These Kickapoo Doctors now manufacture Four Special Remedies, namely: Kickapoo Indian Sagwa! Kickapoo Indian Oil! Kickapoo Indian Salve! Kickapoo Indian Worm-Killer! All made from the medicinal properties of Herbs, Roots, Barks, Flowers, Leaves, etc. although simple in their nature, they are wonderful and efficacious in effecting cures, in all cases where recommended.”


“There has been speculation that the idea for the Kickapoo company was first thought up by John E. Healy and Charles F. Bigelow (Texas Charlie) in Philadelphia. Another version has it starting in Worchester, Mass. and later moving to New Haven, Conn. The facts are sketchy. It is known that John Healy was involved in the patent medicine business in New York in the late 1860's. Charles Bigelow does not appear as Healy's partner until they are jointly listed in the 1888 New Haven city directory. There was however a company in New Haven. E.T. Smith & Co. that had a C.F. Bigelow working for them around 1880. Records from the Patent Office show that Healy and Bigelow patented the labels for the "Sagwa" and "Indian Oil" in July of 1882. The address given was New Haven, Conn. The business remained quite small for the first couple of years. The first advertising material was not copyrighted until 1885.

Under the management of Healy and Bigelow the business flourished. At one point they got the idea of putting on medicine shows. They employed Indians, supposedly Kickapoo's, to tour the country demonstrating Indian life, and selling the medicines. It has been estimated that as many as three hundred Indians were living in the "principal wigwam" the winter quarters, in New Haven in the late 1880's. The Wigwam was located at 521, 523, and 525 Grand Ave., which is now Connecticut Route 22. sometime around 1894, John Healy left the business under the management of Bigelow and James Averil. At this time the company carried on a portion of its business from offices in New York City.

In 1901 the business moved to Clintonville, Connecticut, a smaller town a short distance away from New Haven. It is believed that the company changed ownership at this point. The company name became the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Co. Inc. The passage of the Food and Drug Act of 1906 brought further changes to the business.” (From: THE KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE COMPANY – Digger Odell Publications) Three inch fold tear, minor chips, still a nice piece.

$ 375.00
# 1758