In Senate Of The United States, March 18, 1824. Mr. Benton, From The Committee On Indian Affairs

Benton, Thomas Hart

In Senate Of The United States, March 18, 1824. Mr. Benton, From The Committee On Indian Affairs

Senate Doc. 56. Graff #1611; Wagner-Camp "Senator Benton's committee was considering the advisability of placing a military post at 'some point between the Yellowstone River and the Falls of Missouri'. There is also information regarding trapping expeditions to the Rocky Mountains and the attack on General Ashley by the Arikaras; and Major Joshua Pilcher's answers to the same questions. Pilcer had been connected with the Missouri Fur Company for four years, but his first-hand knowledge extended only as far as the Mandan villages. He devoted most of his statement to a history of the Blackfoot and Arikara hostilities and to comments on methods of dealing with various tribes in the northwest."

$ 650.00
# AI294