Thomas Scattergood - Quaker Minister

Als from Eliza H. Varney, a Canadian Quaker minister written to Minister Thomas Scattergood (23 Jan. 1754 – 24 Aug. 1814) who resided in Philadelphia, although not indicated in the letter. Minister Thomas Scattergood was a Philadelphia “Quaker who brought the concept of the “moral treatment” of mentally ill patients to the United States from The Retreat in York, England. He was instrumental in the foundation of Friends Hospital, the first mental hospital in the United States to follow this model.” (source – Quakers In The World)
Eliza H. Varney is noted in THE FRIEND: A RELIGIOUS AND LITERARY JOURNAL as being a minister from the Canadian Yearly Meeting. In this 4 page letter Eliza shows a great deal of deep spiritual concern and empathy towards Thomas Scattergood.
The letter is 4 pgs, very readable and in vg condition.
(The Letter)
Bloomfield Ont.
1st mo. 7th 1906
Dear Friend
Thomas Scattergood
Being alone this afternoon and having spent it in reading and Meditation I felt thy self and family brought near in Spirit and having heard of thy self and two of the children having the Typhoid fever this Fall, and not hearing any thing further I felt a desire to Know whether you were all recovered from it or not or if the disease has left a some thing behind as to course of sorrow or regret. I often think of the love poem of Wm Allen of England In his beautiful Poem entitled Encouragement to Believe. These trials wisely were designed to subject every wish of mine Completely to the Will Divine. They certainly have a tendency to wear us from this world and set our affections on things above which are heavenly and make us feel how frail we are and how entirely dependent upon our God, for all our blessings both Temporal as well as Spiritual for it is from Himself our blessings flow. Praised be his great and Holy Name. For We have not an High Priest that cannot be touched with our infirmities but one that was tempted on all points like as we are yet with out sin. “He nears a hour of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” he it is that Knows how to ____ and to save to the very uttermost all that will come unto Him. How comforting, dear friend, when laid on a bed of languishing to feel his living presence near like words of comfort and of cheer Saying “Fear Not! For I am with Thee be not afraid for I am thy God.” If we cast our burden upon Him how mercifully his promise is fulfilled I will sustain thee.
Years bring with them cares and trials and off time deep worships of spirit, as ____ of soul. but all these things will work together for good to them that love the Lord Jesus Christ. May we ever abide in him Who is the true and living Vine is the prayer of my heart thru thee we shall be able to bear all the ____. I have no loved ones near to look to but Christ alone. I have been ill all Fall or since my ___ and ever still an invalid yet I can truly say the “Will of the Lord be done.
I do feel very Thankful to have a humble home over my head and desire to return thanksgiving and praise therefore. My love to they dear wife I am sure it must be a trying time when all three were ill. But I doubt not the Promise was fulfilled to here “As they days they strength shall be my Love to all thy family. Would be glad to hear of your welfare if thou dear friend seeks me worthy.
Very Truly thy friend.
Eliza H. Varney
I have lost the card that had the Parcelton House address on Will have to send this to the Bourse Building.